Trance Aid Is the idea that I had to raise money for ‘Save the Children’ fund.
On the 13th September in one, 24-hour period, 24 of the world’s greatest Hypnotherapists and Hypnotists donated their time and came together to teach how to utilise trance/hypnosis. More than 400 people donated over £7000 to Save The Children to get access to this live event. The generosity and kindness shown was incredible. Everyone agreed that Trance Aid will become a yearly event. Thank you for your support
Because of the Covid19 crisis, millions more children are starving and dying, this is an opportunity for us to help, please give generously. (The minimum donation is only £2)
Thank you from my heart
Freddy Jacquin

Click on the red button below to make your donation on our JustGiving – ‘Save the Children’ fundraising page. You will then receive a confirmation email containing your private link to watch every presenter deliver up to 1 hour of amazing content each.
Derry Cooke - Whangarei, New Zealand
5 am UK
Topic: Remodeling Depression and Anxiety
Derry is a Certified Hypnotherapist and Registered Nurse with over 30 years in the helping professions. His years of client work have led him to question much of what he has been taught, discarding the burdens of unnecessary Hypnosis dogma and culling more than a few sacred cows. He now works within a brain-based approach which he calls Remodelling Hypnosis.
Since adopting the principles of Remodelling Hypnosis, his efficacy with clients has dramatically improved. He maintains a full-time practice, both in-person and online, and is already training others in his Remodelling Hypnosis approach.
In this presentation, Derry will present his powerful new approach to these issues and share some relevant client stories. Included will be an experiential opportunity for anyone identifying with these issues to join in a group process, utilising Freddy Jacquin’s Arrow Technique, to create for themselves the experience of powerful permanent complete personal change.
Faye Lawand - New Zealand
6 am UK
Topic: Relaxation Made Easy
I’m on a mission to help busy professionals reconnect to the magic within. That magic that we were all born with and that has been lost somehow, that magic that never came to fruition.
As NZ’s Trusted Internal Conflict Resolution Expert.
My proprietary 7-Step Formula To Transform Stress guides professionals who are tired, stressed, and anxious to reclaim their energy, and tap into their full potential.
For Trance Aid, I’m delighted to bring to you Relaxation Made Easy. An engaging, inspiring, and experiential talk that will reveal to you the little-known secrets to deep and profound relaxation. You will learn a lot, you’ll relax a lot, and you’ll walk away with evidence-based tools to help you relax like never before.
Brett Cameron - Newcastle Australia
7 am UK
Topic: Creative Metaphors in Trance
Brett has been a full-time Clinical Hypnotherapist for the past 14 years. He has a successful Fully Booked practice in Newcastle on the East Coast of Australia. He is passionate about the world of hypnotherapy. He is passionate about helping clients to create positive change and equally passionate about helping other healthcare practitioners to build their business success.
Brett likes to tell stories. Today he will talk about the power of using creative metaphors in trance. When working with clients, Brett uses a combination of direct and indirect hypnosis. Every session will have a weaving, meandering story with a mixture of looping metaphors. I’d love to share my method.
He is also the author of the recently released “Fully Booked” but today lets talk about metaphors in trance.
Richard Hill - Sydney Australia
8 am UK
Topic: Mirroring Hands – the one approach that works for every client and every problem.
Richard Hill tours the world teaching how to utilise this natural problem solving and mind-body healing. He is also an expert in neuroscience, genetics, and how the body and brain can be integrated to maximise health and well-being. His current breakthrough work is based around curiosity and possibility which are integral elements of the Mirroring Hands Approach.
Mirroring Hands is one of the most adaptable and adaptive approaches to therapy because it is truly a co-created experience between client and therapist. The client is invited to engage and can do so at whatever level, depth, and form that is right for them. No matter what problem they bring with them, MH is a natural way to discover what really needs to be resolved.
Matt Hale - Perth Australia
9 am UK
Topic: The Power of Probably: Am I the Next James Bond?!
Originally growing up in the UK, Matt was already establishing himself as a radio and club DJ by the age of 15. By his twenties, he was a presenter on a UK breakfast radio show. Then he moved to Australia and made his mark on radio there (and more recently as a TV presenter Australia’s Channel Nine)
Now along with his public and corporate stage shows, he shares his Mindhacking Happiness for Business & Personal Success keynote presentation at conferences far and wide
Last year his Mindhacking Happiness book became a number 1 bestseller, and recently, UK bookmakers William Hill officially issued odds of 1000/1 of him replacing Daniel Craig as the next James Bond!…
How did this happen? Matt puts it down to “The Power of Probably” and is here to show you exactly how you can use this style of thinking to open up a world of opportunity of your own!
Anthony Jacquin - Derby England
10 am UK
Topic: The Kashmir Techniques: No Self Hypnosis, Contemplation, and Self-Enquiry.
The approach draws upon the philosophy and practice of Advaita Vedanta, also known as non-duality. Often in hypnosis, we are actively trying to change the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and responses of a person or ourselves, to help in the search for happiness. This process turns that search around and instead examines the nature of the one who is searching. By relentlessly attempting to answer the question ‘Who am I?’ a realization occurs that has radical effects and profound implications.
Anthony is a Hypnotherapist and trainer of world renown.
Anthony is the author of one of the most respected books on hypnosis, ‘Reality is Plastic’.
He is the co-director of The Jacquin Hypnosis Academy.
James Tripp - Edinburgh
11 am UK
Topic: The Magic of Hypnosis is in The Magic.
James Tripp is an internationally recognised teacher of hypnosis and developer of the Hypnosis Without Trance approach to hypnotic facilitation.
What is it about hypnosis that makes it effective for generating change? Some would say the special characteristics of the state… but others will point to scientific evidence that there is no state. So what is going on?
What if it were it was simply the fact that hypnosis is magic? Or at least, magical?
In this presentation, we discuss the nature of ‘true magic’ and see where hypnosis fits in.
Beryl Comar - Spain
12 noon UK
Topic: Imagine how wonderful it would be if there were a quick, and easy way to help clients recover from all the pain and sadness that often comes after the breakup of a relationship.
With over 40 years of teaching and counseling experience, Beryl Comar is a dynamic Business Communications Trainer, Executive Coach, previous ISO 9000 Consultant and University Head of Department. She incorporates NLP into all aspects of her work and life as a life-long learner, NLP Master Trainer and EFT Trainer teaching Emotional Intelligence, Public Speaking, Communications, Management and Supervisory Skills to Corporations, elite companies, hotels and government organisations (including Dubai Police).
Freddy Jacquin
1 pm UK
Topic: How to utilise the power of love and other positive emotions to help others and ourselves achieve the life that we truly desire.
Freddy Jacquin has worked as a hypnotherapist since 1994. He has helped more than 30,000 therapy clients in his private practice and group sessions. He is the founder of The Jacquin Hypnosis Academy and has trained over one thousand hypnotherapists throughout the world.
In 2010 he was awarded the B.Sc. (Hons) in Clinical Hypnosis from St. Mary’s University College. In 2020 Freddy’s book, ‘Hypnotherapy’ was chosen as one of the top ten books, by members of the College of Medicine and Integrated health.
Learn more about Freddy and what he teaches here: http://jacquinhypnosisacademy.com
Lori Hammond & Freddy Jacquin
2 pm UK
Topic: Experience The Rejuvenation Therapy TPM protocol with a dual induction from Freddy and Lori. This experience will powerfully equip you to generate change for yourself and your clients.
Freddy Jacquin has worked as a hypnotherapist since 1994. He has helped more than 30,000 therapy clients in his private practice and group sessions. He is the founder of The Jacquin Hypnosis Academy and has trained over one thousand hypnotherapists throughout the world.
Lori Hammond is a professional hypnotist who learned hypnosis to find relief from life-long yo-yo dieting. The unexpected side-effect of learning self-hypnosis principles was that she found relief from debilitating life-long depression. Now Lori uses hypnosis and NLP to help people tap into their own internal resources in a way that lets them unlock their personal power. Lori helps people change on an identity level so they can create a life of purpose and meaning with intention and joy.
Kaz Riley - Huddersfield UK
3 pm UK
Topic: The EMBRACE Protocol
Kaz is one of the world’s foremost Hypnotherapists and Hypnosis teachers.
Kaz travels the world teaching and presenting and is a specialist in sexual freedom hypnosis.
Embrace – Helping relationships come out of lock-down
The current global pandemic and lockdowns has made many people take a long hard look at their relationships. For some they have experienced a new level of closeness and intimacy, for others they have been forced to acknowledge that their relationship is in bad shape, globally the divorce rate has risen by 25% since the start of the pandemic. During this 1-hour workshop Kaz Riley will take you through the EMBRACE protocol that helps individuals and couples address the issues in their relationships so that they can move forwards, connect and find that spark again.
Karl Smith - Suffolk UK
4 pm UK
Topic: Content Free Hypnosis and Trauma
Karl Smith served in the military and as a firearms officer in the police, he was run over twice by a drunk driver and given a label called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but he ripped that up after a session of Hypnotherapy.
Karl is now the lead trainer for the UK Hypnosis Academy and now teaches therapists how to become Hypnotherapists and practice Hypnotherapy around the globe.
Rob De Groof
5 pm UK
Topic: Fast and Powerful Inductions
In this talk, I will explain why I only use instant inductions and how you can practice new inductions without hassling your family members all the time to be a volunteer. I will also teach my Rob’s Flip Flop Induction and some others.
Rob De Groof is one of Europe’s leading hypnotists and the owner of the very successful HypnosisCentre.be in Belgium where he is working together with 6 hypnotherapists in 3 different cities. As the owner and head trainer of the European Hypnosis Academy, he has already trained a few hundred students in the wonderful art of direct hypnosis while teaching in his school in Belgium or while traveling the world.
As the official trainer of his mentor, the late Jeffrey Stephens, one of his goals is to keep Jeffrey’s techniques and approach alive. Rob is also a trainer for Sheila Granger’s Virtual Gastric Band, Bob Burns’ The Swan and the Dave Elman Hypnosis Institute. He is the author of the book “Mentalism for Hypnotherapists”
Rob’s goal is to keep hypnosis simple, at the moment he is writing his new book called: The Art of Simple Hypnosis.
Lori Hammond - Denver
6 pm UK
Topic: Have you ever experienced the frustration of trying to change your behavior and failing?
Many people think guilt and shame can motivate change but the opposite is true. When you beat yourself up for mistakes it keeps you stuck repeating unwanted behavior. What if there’s a simple way to break bad habits like smoking, drinking too much, overeating, etc? You’re about to learn the antidote to guilt and shame so you can use a proven, 30-second technique that stops unwanted behavior in its tracks. The hardest part will be accepting how easy it is.
Lori Hammond is a professional hypnotist who learned hypnosis to find relief from life-long yo-yo dieting. The unexpected side-effect of learning self-hypnosis principles was that she found relief from debilitating life-long depression. Now Lori uses hypnosis and NLP to help people tap into their own internal resources in a way that lets them unlock their personal power. Lori helps people change on an identity level so they can create a life of purpose and meaning with intention and joy.
Jason Linett - Virginia
7 pm UK
Topic: Hypnotic Questions for Deeper Rapport
Jason Linett is an expert at helping organizations and the people within them create powerful change and sharpen their strategies.
As a speaker, author, and hypnotist, Jason has put in more than fifteen years of professional study and on-the-job experience tracking how top performers in many industries achieve astounding results.
His book, Work Smart Business: Lessons Learned from Hypnotizing 250,000 People and Building a Million-Dollar Brand, released on January 27, 2019.
Alberto Dell'iSola - Brazil
8 pm UK
Topic: How to build a huge audience on the internet
Studied Psychology at UFMG – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.
Director of the High Brain Institute, Brazil.
The most influential Hypnotherapists in Brazil.
Chris Thompson - Toronto Canada
9 pm UK
Topic: How to be the best version of yourself.
Chris is often described as the Chief Awesomeness Officer at Mike Mandel Hypnosis. Chris is an incredible Hypnotherapist and trainer in his own right and he travels the world teaching people his skills.
Chris and Mike Mandel run MikeMandelHypnosis.com and the Brain Software podcast.
Chris’s passion is in teaching hypnosis and personal development skills.
Chris is known in the world of hypnosis as the most effective personal and business development Guru.
Chris, in his Trance Aid presentation, will be teaching you how to be the best version of yourself.
Michael C Anthony
10 pm UK
Topic: Build Confidence and Influence While Having FUN!
Get ready to learn how to build rapport with anyone, FAST. Michael is going to teach you easy yet very powerful mentalism/magic tricks that you can learn fast and have with you forever. Confidence rapport, influence and being the life of every party has never been easier.
Michael C. Anthony is the Founder of Stage Hypnosis University. He has toured the world for over 20 years as a professional Stage Hypnotist and Mentalist. You can learn more about him and his training at
Kathy Gruver
11 pm UK
Topic: Conquer your Stress, Go from Worrier to Warrior
Kathy Gruver, PhD has graced stages on four continents (including 2 TEDx), three cruise ships, and a handful of islands. Her combination of humor, performance background, real-life experience and formal education makes her a well-rounded, in-demand speaker. She hosted the TV show based on her first book, The Alternative Medicine Cabinet and has earned her Ph.D. in Natural Health.
Dr. Gruver is the twelve-time award-winning author of seven books including, Conquer Your Stress, Workplace Wellness, Conquer your Stress at Work, and Journey of Healing.
Nicholas Spohn
12 pm UK
Topic: The 3 steps of Hypnotic Influence
Learn what REALLY drives human behavior.
The one thing people want more than anything and the three steps of influence that humans were evolved to be influenced by.
Nicholas has devoted his life to all things personal development. Through studying health, spirituality, psychology, hypnosis, NLP, reiki and various other modalities he has created a comprehensive system to understand what drives human behavior. His mission is to share these ideas with the world.
Sandra Grace - Iowa USA
1 am (14th Sept) UK
Topic: Manage Your Energy= Maximize Your Life (And Your Business)
Sandra is President of integrative Lifeworks, Inc. has been teaching since 1992. Sandra has owned and consulted for institutes, corporations, and a variety of successful companies. Due to her diverse education and experiences, Sandra is certified in and has training NGH Certified Hypnotists, massage therapists, life coaches, Reiki practitioners & master teachers, reflexologists, aroma-therapists, sales associates, instructors, public speakers, actors, and many additional modalities. She excels in the classroom, corporate training, and one on one client sessions.
Her current passion is business coaching. She has a formidable resume, which includes executive coaching for corporate talent at John Deere, L’Arche International and Alcoa, mental training for mixed martial artists from UFC, sales training for managers of Victoria’s Secret and a broad range of personal development work with thousands of everyday people.
Marina Kostina
2 am (14th Sept) UK
Topic: Heal Through Chaos.
Dr. Marina Kostina guides consciously-minded individuals on a journey to reclaim fragmented pieces of their souls. Recently called a “female disruptor” by Thrive Global, she helps people move from their lethargic status quo to ravenous living through her hypnotherapy and energy healing sessions, as well as spiritual retreats all over the world.
As a bestselling author, award-winning entrepreneur, and seven times winner of the US Department of Defense grants, she has been featured in such prestigious publications as Entrepreneur, Buzzfeed, Thrive Global, People magazine and USA Today, and has appeared on WGN, Telemundo and Hay House.
Dr. Kostina is also fortunate to have worked with such celebrities as Kanye West, Lorna Byrne, Mike Dooley, and Her Holiness Living Saint Amma Sri Karunamay.
Victoria Marie Gallagher - Arizona
3 am (14th Sept) UK
Topic: Release Abundance Blocks
Victoria M. Gallagher is the Law of Attraction Hypnotist. #1 Best Selling Author of the book: Practical Law of Attraction. She specializes in career and business success, helping entrepreneurs, business professionals, and personal growth seekers for the last 21 years to overcome fear, doubt, worry, and negativity and develop a success-orientated mindset of confidence, self-belief, abundance and positivity so you can attract what you desire in your personal and professional lives.
Ines Maria Antonia Simpson - Vancouver Canada
4 am (14th September) UK
Topic: The Simpson Protocol
Ines Simpson has worked in many fields from the hospitality industry to commercial fishing on Canada’s west coast. In her 40’s, she started to reevaluate her life and to search for something that would fulfill her and give her life more meaning. Finally, in the late 90s, her mother took a hypnotherapy course and a light bulb went on!
From then on she single-mindedly pursued a career in hypnosis.
Even though from a very small town on Vancouver Island – she applied and was accepted ( eventually) as a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists in 2000.
By 2005, she was admitted as a faculty member by the National Guild
One of her proudest achievements was in 2014 when Ines was awarded The Unique Hypnosis Pioneer Award, Switzerland for developing a new, Hypnosis Protocol, which is now known throughout the world as ‘The Simpson Protocol’.
To put your kind donation into perspective
£1 could treat 5 children suffering from Pneumonia, one of the biggest killers of children in South Sudan.
£3 could provide a weeks’ worth of water trucking for a displaced family in Yemen.
£14 could provide a hygiene kit to one household in Kenya.
£24 could help a Yemeni victim of gender-based violence by referring them to specialised services such as legal support, health services, or safe shelter.
£53 could provide a displaced family with basic food commodities for a whole month.
£85 could support one severely malnourished child with medicine, therapeutic food and other treatments at an outpatient clinic for a month in Ethiopia.

Power Cloak of Gratitude and Appreciation
Please accept this audio as a free gift from me and a thank you for visiting this page. Many people have donated to Save the Children by supporting Trance Aid already. Some have donated even though they can’t attend the event. Whatever you choose, please enjoy this audio/download and feel free to share this page with your friends and colleagues, every effort is appreciated and will have a massive impact on a child’s life.